Latest Trends In Institutional Bedding

The hospitality industry was considered to be the most suffered because of COVID-19. People were confined within the four walls of their homes and travel was completely banned. However, for the past few months, things have started to look good for hotels as tourism is again gaining momentum.

Consequently, the recent trends in institutional bedding are influenced by the pandemic. Cleanliness, easy-to-change bedding are leading the trend in hospitality bedding. Guests are now leaning towards the sanitization and cleanliness standards of the hotels.

Triple Layers of Bedsheets

Protection and wellness have become the major focus of the service offered by the hotels. Besides comfort, the protection of customers is being considered while making the bedding. Triple layers of sheets have now become the usual practice among hotels. The first layer is spread across the bed to cover all sides. The second sheet is layered on top of the base sheet. Duvets are usually being used to make the middle layer of the bedding. The final layer is the bedsheet spread on top of the duvet. The third layer is folded one-sided.

The three-layer sheets trend has been adopted for two core reasons. First, the triple-layer protects the customer from any bacterial infection. Secondly, the triple layers look aesthetically pleasing to the customer.

Duvet Covers

As a consequence of COVID-19, cleanliness has taken the front seat. Hotels have shifted to using duvet covers for an additional layer of cover. Duvet covers are easier to wash as compared to duvets. This offers the customer a feeling of protection from germs. Moreover, the staff also finds it easier to change duvet covers. Admittedly, it does require additional investment but in the long run, it is all worth it as customers would again come back for the sole reason of extra protection and cleanliness.

Added Protection with Mattress and Pillow Covers

Much like duvet covers, mattress and pillow covers are in great demand by the hotels. The mattress and pillow covers are a must barrier against bacteria spread. This also includes molds and bed bugs from infesting the mattress and pillows as well. These covers do not harm the customers. Like beds, mattresses and pillows are a long-term investment and are considered to be hotels’ core assets. The hotels want these assets to last as long as possible. Covers are like the first line of defense that ensures the durability of mattresses and pillows.

SKD Can Help You

SKD has an array of products ranging from bed sheets to duvet covers. We have immense expertise and experience in institutional bedding. Our products are durable and provide a complete bedding solution. We can help your customers to be protected as well as comfortable.